my playlist

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I went to the NDP show with my classmates.When we reach there, it was very hot.My partner is Aaron and Algene.After a while, it start to drizzle and it stopped.Later at night, it drizzle again and i never put on my poncho.suddenly, there was a heavy rain.It drenched me, my bag and some thing that are in my bag.The parade almost flood!Then we went to the bus.When i sit down, i was shivering.i don't like that day.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Earth Hour

Hi! Everybody!Will you be participating in Earth Hour?I am.Earth Hour have been transformed into the world’s first global election, between Earth and global warming.I will vote for earth and not global warming.It is on Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30pm.Will you vote for earth or global warming?Plz tell me. i would like to know.

My March Holidays

I did not went overseas during my March holidays.I watched TV,play computer and study.On Monday, I came in time for the IT lesson but on Tuesday, I was late and when I open the door,my friends were starting to on their computers.I also finished my website in time.Mr Justin gave us a test and it was quite hard.On Wdnesday,I followed my Mum to shop for clothes and stationary.On Friday,I stayed at home to rest. I was very tired during the March holidays.

Fire Safety

I have not seen or experienced any incident of fire break out in
my home or neighbourhood before.
If a fire were to breakout,I will call 995.If the fire is on my clothes, the steps are:
Step 1:Stop
Step 2:Drop
Step 3:Roll
Some of the causes of fire breaking out are playing with fire at home and playing computers for too long.Fire can be both good to use and harmful.So,don't play with fire!

Monday, February 9, 2009

My Social Studies Learning Journey

My classmates and I went to Old Ford Factory and Bukit Chandu to learn about the history.We went to the Old Ford Factory first.We went to watch a movie on what happened to singapore during World War 2.We then went to the galery with the guide.There were alot of things in the gallery and the guide told us many things about our history and there was a real gun under a transparent glass and Lieutenant-General Arthur Ernest Percival and Lieutenant-General Tomoyuki Yamashita statues.
We then went to Bukit Chandu.There was aguide who told us how and why the Japanese attack Singapore.After that the guide brought us to a room with real weapons and helmets.He explained how it is used and the advantages and disadvantages of their uniform and helmet.then we went to watch an animation about how Lietanent Adnan sacrifce his live.
This learning journey had teach me more about the history.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My total defence 2009

Hi!i am going to defend my parents for total defence day. I will defend my parents as they are the most important to me and they brought me up.
I am going to defend
them by preparing first aid kid and the emergency backpack.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My December Holidays

I stayed at home during the December holidays.I went to the student care every weekdays.On Saturday, i play with my friends.when my aunt allow me to go to Malaysia for 1 week,i was very happy.But when my aunt said that the car has spoiled,i was very disappointed.But i still get to play computer every week.


I went to my grandma house and there was alot of food in the house and i receive about 5 red packets.$$